Our Software is Built for Painless Peer Review
Our software is designed for scholarly events. No matter how intricate your peer review process, we'll handle it with ease.

Painless Peer Review
We understand that great conferences are built on solid peer review. So we’ve given you the tools to lay a strong foundation.
Structure your conference along one single track, or create multiple tracks with their own deadlines and chairs. Customise your submissions form to collect papers, abstracts or panels and anything else you need. Authors and panel organisers get a submission receipt and can edit right up to the deadline.
- Collect abstracts, extended abstracts or papers
- Set up topics, formats, word counts and more
- Configure single or multi-track conferences
- Authors get submission receipts and editing privileges
- Collect panel sessions containing themed submissions
- Give oversight to panels and gather a more diverse range of presenters

Configure your peer review process to deliver a high-quality programme. Specify how many reviews each submission needs. Keep reviewers happy by limiting how many submissions each one gets. Then watch as our powerful allocation engine matches submissions to the best-qualified reviewers. (And not a spreadsheet in sight.)
- Configure your review as single or double-blind
- Limit number of submissions per reviewer
- Automatically match submissions to best reviewers
- Cluster panels together for reviewers, or have panel organisers review their own content
- Import your submissions from other systems

Build a clear marking scheme that’s got everything reviewers need. Reviewers can grade with scores or comments, and they can work online or download their submissions. Give them the ability to score individual submissions in your panels. And we'll give prompts to guide reviewers through outstanding tasks.
- Collect mandatory or optional reviewer comments
- Give reviewers a clear marking scheme and easy-scoring cards
- Reviewers can work online or offline
- Cluster your panel submissions and review them by the same people
- Accept or decline a panel in one click

Start allocating submissions to reviewers as soon as you want. Then follow reviewers’ progress and send targeted reminders to those who fall behind. And when you need to, you can re-assign submissions, or close or disable reviews. So you never miss another deadline.
- Review and make decisions on the fly with rolling review
- Track reviewers’ progress and send reminders to reviewers who fall behind
- Re-assign, close or disable reviews
- Cluster your panel submissions (symposia and special events too)

Browse completed reviews by score or inspect them individually. Add chair comments and when you’re ready, use a dropdown to accept or reject them. Then send letters of acceptance, right from your dashboard. And if you want, ask authors to upload camera-ready copies or to RSVP.
- Filter and decide individually or by score
- Add chair comments and make reviewer comments public or private
- Send letters of acceptance
- Request camera-ready copies and RSVPs

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See how our registration system makes it simple to register delegates.