A Powerful Platform for Managing Your Scholarly Event

No messing about with separate systems. Just everything you need to manage your conference on a single, connected platform.

Ex Ordo conference management software dashboard showing conference logo and conference branding with submissions card in view
Conference Branding
Upload your conference logo and cover image to create your own elegantly branded conference dashboard. No generic portals here.
One Single Login
Whether you're chairing, submitting, reviewing or registering, you only ever need to log in to one account. Access levels mean everyone sees only what they should.
Easy Insights
At any stage, view and share stats and reports on how things are going across your whole conference. So you can check you're on track at every step.
Seamlessly Connected
No more manually moving data between systems. Your data is available across the whole platform so you can manage everything from one central point.
Intelligent Cards
Cards help prioritise upcoming tasks in a way that’s clear to everyone.
Submissions Overview card showing 338 submissions in Ex Ordo conference management system
See Submission Stats
Get up-to-the-minute submission stats without having to leave your dashboard.

One Central Hub for Communicating

Clear communication is half the battle, so we've built you a place where you can message everyone connected to your conference.

Gif of Ex Ordo conference communication hub showing message sending

Your Conference Communication, Sorted

Select a group of contacts, write your message, test it and send. No CC'ing, no send limits. It’s that easy.

Upload Mailing List
Bulk upload your contacts so you can send call for papers and registration announcements to your entire conference mailing list.
Target Contacts
Use our filters to message only who you want. Whether that's late reviewers, accepted authors or delegates who haven’t paid.
Personalise Messages
Personalise every message you send using macros. These autofill with handy personalised info like people’s names and submission titles.
Preview and Test
Preview every message and send unlimited tests to check everything's perfect before you send a message out into the wild.
Customise Templates
Customise your message templates so that automatic updates, receipts and reminders say exactly what you want them to.
Avoid Spam Filters
To make sure your messages don’t get stuck in overzealous spam filters, we send every message through the premium sending service Postmark.
Data Protection
When it comes to keeping your data secure and private, we hold ourselves to the highest professional standards.
Our software is PCI compliant. And encryption (HTTPS) means that any information you or your delegates upload or store is secure.
Data Privacy
Every piece of data you store with us is owned by you. We won’t copy, share, or edit it. And we've never had a security breach or lost customer data.
User Authentication
We encrypt all passwords using our one-way hash-and-salt algorithm. This makes it near impossible for anyone to reverse-engineer a password.
Export your submissions, reviews, author details and registration data, presentations and attachments to Excel, whenever you want.
99.97% Uptime
Our uptime means the amount of time we're available and operational. We're pretty proud of our 99.97% uptime track record.
Daily Backups
We back up your data daily, no exceptions. And we hold our backups for 30 days in a separate European data centre.
EU Flag
GDPR Compliant
Our conference management software is fully GDPR compliant. And we host your data on our secure hosting servers within the EU, as standard.

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